Livonia, Michigan Speed Traps
Plymouth Road near south of I-96
Several police cars hide in the driveways of Ford Motor Co. parking lot and point their radar toward southbound drivers on Middlebelt Rd.
275 South Expressway near Exit Number 6 Mile
Officers are always hanging out between 6 and 7 mile on 275. I was coming from 275 off 8 mile, and when I passed 7 mile the officer was waiting with a LASER dectector. He didn’t even hesitate to give me an 87/70 citation. (State officer)
Stark Road near Hines Drive
On Stark Road between Hines Drive and Plymouth Rd. This is posted at 25 mph (Residential) but with no side walks and recessed houses normal speeds are 35 mph. Livonia Police sit in side streets and catch cars turning off Hines Drive which is 40 mph.
Levan Street near between 96 and 5mile road
Livonia cops sit on side street, posted 35, most people do 45, they are there for sure monday thru Friday afternoons, you can count on it.
Inkster Road near 6 Mile/7 Mile Road
Officer sits on the West side of Inkster pointing North. The is a small area with houses he hides among. I have seen 3-5 tickets issed per hour, mostly toward the end of the day.