Macomb Twp., Michigan Speed Traps

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Clarion north of 24 Mile Road between Hayes and Romeo Plank.

Macomb Twp., MichiganAug 30, 20160 Comments

Wide residential road, speed limit 20 mph. Marked and unmarked vehicles park either on Clarion or a side street between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. daily.

south side of 23 mile between romeo plank and hayes

Macomb Twp., MichiganDec 12, 20100 Comments

he sits in an old driveway of the natchi macine plant that is now closed.its the macomb county sheriff.

23 mi. rd. between Romeo Plank and Card

Macomb Twp., MichiganNov 14, 20100 Comments

Recently, have noticed a Macomb County Sheriff sitting in the drive of the abandoned golf course, on the north side of 23 mile. Difficult to see with all the weeds, until you’re on top of him.

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