Marysville, Michigan Speed Traps
City of Marysville
One big one is along Busha Hwy at the Port Huron/Marysville line (frequently park in the old Days Inn parking lot). However, locals know ALL of Marysville to be Speed Trap Town. If you are in Marysville, anywhere, watch your speed…Marysville PD will not hesitate to show you the error of your ways!
I 94 between Marysville Exit and the next one south
On the ramp there are 4 cops sitting and one in the over pass bridge with the camera
State Hwy. 29 Marysville City Limits
Marysville police cruisers are often found parked just inside their city limits. Frequently they are parked at the Days Inn quite a distance off the road. I have often seen them as well parked in the center median where State Hwy. 29 intersects Gratiot. Marysville as a whole is known locally for speeding fines, so keep it to the posted limit.
State Highway M25 near Gratiot Boulevard
Marysville police sit off to the right on the southbound M25 between the Port Huron City limit and Gratiot Blvd. Almost all the time. Speed limit is 40. All the locals know, out-of-towners do not.