Meridian, Michigan Speed Traps
Haslett Road just west of Marsh Road
Meridian Township police have resumed operating the speed trap in the 35-mph segment of Haslett Road for a quarter-mile west of Marsh Road, targeting eastbound drivers who do not notice the change in limit from 45 to 35 mph (the geometrics of the road do not change). Enforcement is typically in off-peak hours, from side streets.
Saginaw Street near Marsh Road
Meridian Township and Bath Township officers can be found on patrol in this area in between Lake Lansing and Marsh Roads. Speed limit is 50 but is easy to let yourself go go faster, but don’t. Police usually patrol in between the divided road or sit at or near the RV lot depeding on time of day.
Lake Lansing Road near Abbott Road
On Lake Lansing road just east of Abbott road there are two vacant lots on the north and south side of Lake Lansing road. There will be a Meridian Township officer parked on each side of the road, Ready to use instant-on radar on potential speeders.