Muskegon, Michigan Speed Traps
Begininng of Lakeshore drive by Hot Rod Harley
As you come into Muskegon from North Muskegon or the expressway on business 31, you are coming down the hill and it is 45mph and you are in a right curve. Then it turns to 35. Just pass the big water tank the cops sit back on a cross street. Lots of people pulled over for summer cell. It’s a great "Welcome To Muskeon" from the police.
Lincoln between Sherman and Lakeshore Dr
25 mph speed limit; police sit on side streets and in alleys. As this is a main ‘cut-through’ street, many people do not realize it is still a ‘residential’ street, and travel 35-40 mph. This section of Lincoln has also been a location for a police ‘sting’ operation in years past, with city and state police and county sheriff department participating.
East Broadway behind Walmart
They sit behind Sam’s Club and wait the speed limit changes from 45 to 30 right before the over pass of US-31 they also sit at the chruch from when you come over the bridge.
McCracken and Greenwood (in Lakeside)
Different times during the day. Cop will be parked in an alley facing McCracken (facing Bunker school) You usually won’t notice him from either direction because he’s near bushes and a driveway.
Sherman & McCracken
Usually late at night, Cop sits with lights off facing the stop light in the Carpet One parking lot.