Muskegon, Michigan Speed Traps

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Getty Street near Laketon Street

Muskegon, MichiganFeb 15, 20060 Comments

Muskegon Police cops have been seen sitting in lawn chairs using a laser gun to catch speeders, other cops will be down the stret to chase them down, the only problem is no one stops for the police here in Muskegon they freak out because of some warrants or some crack and run like the wind.

Henry Street near Laketon Avenue

Muskegon, MichiganJan 25, 20050 Comments

Speed changes from 35 down to 30 in a non-residential area 4 lane section. Limit is unreasonably low.

US-31 right before Whitehall/ County line and Hart

Muskegon, MichiganMay 31, 20030 Comments

Cops are at US-31 before Whitehall and near the Muskegon County line. Also right before Hart exit.

Sheridan rd between laketon ave and apple ave.

Muskegon, MichiganApr 10, 20020 Comments

cop siting on side street,on weekends around 10:00.

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