Newport, Michigan Speed Traps

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Telegraph and Sigler Roads

Newport, MichiganJun 05, 20100 Comments

Monroe Co. Sherrif likes to sit in the semi trailer yard in the mornings, zapping people with the radar gun. He got me a few weeks ago. By the time you see him, its too late…busted.

Telegraph Road near Newport Road

Newport, MichiganDec 13, 20071 Comments

There is a unused driveway type spot just off of Telegraph Road, a cop will sit there and check the speed of every car. You don’t see the cop until you get just in front of him and by the time it is too late because he already clocked you. The speed limit is 55, but it is very common to do anywhere from 60-80.

Interstate 275 North near Mile Marker 20

Newport, MichiganMay 24, 20070 Comments

Officer sits on the I-275 overpass / on ramp clocking vehicles after they travel past. You can see the back of the car from behind the exit ramp sign on most days.

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