Ontonagon, Michigan Speed Traps

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coming into Mass City

Ontonagon, MichiganJan 25, 20110 Comments

Mass City is 13 miles east of Ontonagon and the speed limit drops to 35 as you enter town. There is sometimes the lady in blue hanging around here too. It drops to 35 as you enter town through either side so watch out!

U.S. 45 south of Rockland

Ontonagon, MichiganMay 05, 20100 Comments

Just past Rockland, which is 14 miles south of Ontonagon on Hwy. 45, lies the steepest road decline in the Midwest. During the daytime there is usually a police officer driving up it in her blue state trooper car with a radar to give $105 tickets for going over the posted speed limit of 55 mph. Be careful. My cruise control did not brake and apparently they will not perform on steep declines (although they will do so on steep inclines and moderated declines). In my case I was distracted by listening to an audiobook. Although I am 53 years old and never got a speeding ticket before, I will now invest in a speed alarm and a radar detector for the first time. Both cost less than the ticket.

State Highway M64 near US Highway US45

Ontonagon, MichiganJun 10, 20080 Comments

Both ends of the bridge over the Ontonagon River. On the east end of the bridge where M64 intersects US45, the speed abruptly drops to 35 from 45. 35 mph sign is obstructed by other signs and you don’t see it until you are right there.

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