Pontiac, Michigan Speed Traps
US Highway 24 near James K Street
SB Telegraph at Pontiac/Sylvan Lake border. Marked/unmarked sits at driveway just S of James K sidestreet, typically hitting SB traffic exiting onto Orchard Lake Rd ramp. Speed is 40, will catch for 45. Will stop NB traffic exceeding 40 after Old Telegraph crossover, even though it is really Pontiac’s jurisdiction. Weekend mornings also.
Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard near State Highway 59
Where M-59 exits onto ML King boulevard. There is a water tretment plant on the north side. An umarked car sits there shooting laser at cars northbound on ML King. Then secondary marked cars pull you over. It is a 5 lane road (2 each way plus a turn lane) but is only 35mph and has no speed limit signs in the speed trap area. I saw 7 other cars pulled over while I was patiently waiting for my ticket!
Always right around lunch time rush, but varies which day of the month.
M-59 West between the Silverdome & downtown Pontiac
Pontiac police sit on the south edge of M 59 facing traffic in the westbound side during rush hour, near the end of each month. After ticketing one car, return to spot and immediately get another. Speed posted is 45, but they seem to set 60 mph as the cut-off.
Orchard Lake Road near Johnson (both sides of the street)
Cops park on other side of house adjacent to law offices there and if you are heading toward downtown Pontiac they nail you if you aare 11 miles mph over. On the other side they park in the tall brush near the vacant building on the corner.