Port Huron, Michigan Speed Traps
Holland Avenue near Holland Woods School
PHPD frequently sits in the parking lot of Holland Woods School. It’s a school zone but they also sit there when school is not on. At night be watchful. PHPD cars are black and not easy to see.
24th st & Petit St
in the factory parking lot, behind the Pine trees. the city police & the sheriff department take turns sitting there.
I-94 and I-69
This is regarding the cameras on top of the tall light poles along both expressways. I was told they only monitor general traffic speeds and traffic flow. I have exceeded the speed limit many times on both expressways and never received a ticket.
Interstate 94
From Marysville to Port Huron on I-94, there are at least six new light pole looking things that have a radar on the top, anda camera for when you pass it. These came out of no where, and although I speed by there, I have yet to recieve a ticket. Post comments if you have recieved a ticket from these and the details.
Thomas Edison Parkway near State Street
The Thomas Edison parkway winds along the scenic St Clair river waterfront the parkway is posted 25 MPH and has a slight incline at both ends of the parkway. The way the rd winds through the parkway presents a unique speedtrap, A police car will sit at the top of the parkway behind The thomas edison edison depot museum and has a full view line of sight of any car driving each way, however the driver will most likely never see the officer parked up on the sloped parkway. A police car is usually parked at the top of the incline on the other end of the parkway to intercept the speeding car.