Port Huron, Michigan Speed Traps
West Water Street near Michigan/Range Road
A Sheriff sits regularly at the township building on the corner of West Water and Beach. (especially after bar time)It is also very common to have them patrol between Michigan and Range.
Military Street near Beard Street
The speed limit here is 25 as it drops as you enter the downtown area, and it is common for the City of Port Huron police officiers to sit in the seaway terminal parking lot and radar traffic entering this 25 mile an hour zone. If you are north bound there difficult to see due the homes being set close to the street in this area, and if you are south bound you are comming over a hill and they sit such that you have no view what-so-ever. I’VE never been simply given a warning by a City of Port Huron policeman for speeding, they have always written a ticket.
Pine Grove Avenue near at Elmwood Street, just north of Blue Water Bridge
City police park in parking lot of closed party store on east side of busy main drag (Pine Grove Avenue, which is also a state trunk line) just north of Blue Water Bridge plaza overpass. Vehicles approaching overpass from south may not see officer, who has his radar pointed under the bridge overpass. (A potential defense: Radar experts say the devices should not be used that way.)