Portage, Michigan Speed Traps

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Lovers Lane between Kilgore and Milham

Portage, MichiganJul 20, 20110 Comments

Speed limit is 35 which is lower on this divided, four-lane section of road than it is on S. Westnedge from Kilgore to Whites Rd (40 mph). Westnedge is highly congested with businesses and driveways and much more heavily traveled than Lovers Lane. This area of Lovers Lane, (especially going southward), is uninhabited. Officers will sit in the left turn lane just south of I-94 overpass and nab you when you come over the hill. It is silly to have a 35 mph limit in this area. It is very similar to Lovers Lane south of Milham where the limit is 40 mph. Seems like a speed trap to me even though I’ve never gotten a ticket.

Romence Rd btw Portage Rd & Lovers Ln

Portage, MichiganDec 19, 20100 Comments

Police sit in the parking lots of the former Upjohn abandoned office building (one to the east & one to the west of the bldg) located on the north side of Romence Rd.
If you are vigilant you can spot them when driving east to west.
But you won’t see them until it’s too late driving west to east due to trees & bushes.

Centre Street east of Old Westnedge

Portage, MichiganMay 06, 20101 Comments

Centre street is 45 mph all the way from 131 to sprinkle road except for this little section. It is listed as a school zone but last I knew that was only a reduction when signals flash like anywhere else there are schools in portage. There isn’t even a school on centre street. It is located a block or so to the south on a back street.

Lovers Lane north of Kilgore

Portage, MichiganApr 14, 20101 Comments

Guy standing in median, holding radar gun. It’s built like a highway, but posted like a city street.

Melody between Shaver and South Westnedge Ave.

Portage, MichiganApr 09, 20102 Comments

The speed limit decreases on this one stretch of road to 25 miles per hour. Officer’s monitor this road frequently.

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