Romulus, Michigan Speed Traps
Eureka Road between Middlebelt and I-275
Romulus police run radar from the "Cell phone lot" and other locations along the south edge of Metro Airport. People hurrying for planes are prime material.
Coming off 94 East Ramp, take Right to go Middlebelt South
This is a "NO Right Turn on Red"
Police sitting under the bridge giving tickets all day…Be Careful
I-94 near Telegraph
Police will sit in the center median dirt-crossover. They are there every day. If you get pulled over, they will often give you a ticket for something alternate to what you may have been doing (maybe 5 over if you were going 10 over) but mark the original offense. If you call the court, they will say that if you take the lower offense and pay, you’ll be done with it. But if you go to court, the ticket will revert to the original offense. Sound like borderline coercion to me.
I-94 and Wayne Rd exits
When you exiting I-94 East onto Wayne Rd there is a very long wait for the light to change(about 4 minutes) usually nobody is coming either way on Wayne Rd, Do Not go through this red light!!!The police are watching and waiting for you! If you are exiting I-94 westbound onto Wayne Rd make a complete stop. the police are sitting in their car at the PMC Bank and also on the side street McBride(between the exit and the Shell gas station). There is a high school there and they are always popping people for not making a complete stop or going through the yellow light.
I know because I live right in this area, and I hear the bleeps from the sirens ALL day long and night also. I hope this helps…
Coming off the ramp on I-194 southbound on Middlebelt
Police sit under vidock (heading south bound) Police time the light. If any portion of your vehicle has not cleared (for example your back bumper) immediately the police hit their lights and pull you off the road before you get to Wick. This is an easy catch since most people are only using this ramp to take someone to the airport.