Sturgis, Michigan Speed Traps
Congress Street
Cops are commonly sitting in the parking lot of Congress School (after school hours) and in the parking lot of the Potter’s Church. I’ve seen them stop alot of people on Congress Street.
US Highway 12 near Centerville Road
The speed limit from Centerville Road heading west to the city limts is 35. In late evening the police car sits under the unlit sign in the HnR block parking lot. Most people are going 45 to 50 mph through there. I have been caught there my son was caught there and I know other people get caught there all the time.
North Centreville Street near West Street
These cops sit back in the parking lot video taping and ticketing flashing red light runners, should be flashing yellow so most people do not even realize its red. I got a nice ticket and it was hard to fight when the cop had the video tape with him.
North Centreville Road near Omena Lake
County sheriff deputies sit in a couple different places along this road near Omena Lake. Road is marked as 45mph for 5-6 miles (even for stretches with nothing but crop fields). Road has several hills which aids in the element of surprise.
centreville Road near State Highway 66
cops are all over this stretch of road starting at the south end near the indiana border (indiana toll road), stretching all the way north to chicago rd., the police in this town are bored, VERY bored they love to harass people, and are especially aching to nab the under 30 crowd and qoute unqoute "bring respect to this town"
any passers through this town beware! they want to and will harass you!