Traverse City, Michigan Speed Traps

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just past gray road on west m-72 heading towards empire

Traverse City, MichiganMay 01, 20100 Comments

state cop sits off side of road where there used to be a house quite freqeuntly.

City Police and young drivers

Traverse City, MichiganApr 19, 20102 Comments

City Police harass young drivers. I grew up here and raised three boys here. A lot of good officers, but always a few who scored too low to be a Mall cop so they patrol our city streets. The worst for blowing stop signs, speeding and no turn signals, yet will stop a young driver and accuse them of the same stuff. Sons have been stopped at night and accused of drinking with no cause. Youngest was stopped in a snow storm for having his license plate covered with snow,officer would not let him walk to the back of the patrol car to look at theirs. Young drivers need to know their rights and stand up for themselves. DO NOT be disrespectful of the police but watch out for yourselves.

M-72 between Marathon Station and Empire

Traverse City, MichiganMar 30, 20100 Comments

Leelanau County Sheriff Department patrols all day up and down M-72. A favorite spot is a little turnout by Tilton Road (just West of Marathon station/Grumpy’s Mkt. Those traveling West cannot see police car until they are already clocked.

Public parking lot just past US-31/M-37/M-72/M-22 corner

Traverse City, MichiganMar 25, 20100 Comments

Sometimes a city police car will sit in the parking lot off of westbound M-22/M-72 (Grandview Parkway) durning mid-morning hours. Speed limit is 35 m.p.h.

Garfield Rd & Sleights Rd (Bottom of hill @ Macs Landing)

Traverse City, MichiganMar 24, 20100 Comments

Garfield Rd & Sleights Rd at the bottom of the two hills where vehicles tend to gain speed because of the extreme grade of the hills. Police position themselves along the edge of the road parked or in the woods at the bottom of the hill. This is also a tricky angle coming off of Sleights Rd onto Garfield where you have to inch out into the traffic to view the traffic coming down the hill from the West. They will issue a ticket for failure to stop since they themselves cannot view the stop sign from the top of the hill when they are coming at you even though you made your stop 30ft back.

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