Trenton, Michigan Speed Traps
W.bound Van Horn Rd. just after Chrys. eng plant.
Trenton cops occasionally will sit on the west bound side of Van Horn between the Chrysler Engine Plant and the gas station on the corner of Van Horn & Fort St.
There is a entrance way to a construction company that they sit in so they`re not right out in the open.
Bridge Road as you come off the Toll Bridge
As you come off the Toll Bridge on the North end of the Island the police sit on the right by a small brick building which is the pump house for the water department.
Parkway as you cross the Free County Bridge
As you come on the Island there are three The places the police sit; One is on the exit as you come off the bridge on the right. The second is the side street on the left and or at the first light. The third is one quarter mile down the street on the left where they park behind a group of bushes in front of one of the houses.
If you look up as you come off the bridge there is also a new camera to record your license and speed. As of 1-6-12 not in operation yet but coming soon.
West Rd across from Trenton library
Trenton police like to sit in the Kennedy Ice Rink parking lot to watch west road traffic in both directions. This spot is easily seen so you do have time to react and slow down if need be.
Light at West Road and Westfield
Police sit on Westfield, next to the library. Can’t be seen from West Rd. because of the scoreboard for THS.