Trenton, Michigan Speed Traps

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Fort Street near Marian Drive

Trenton, MichiganMay 24, 20070 Comments

Traveling South on Fort St. in between West Rd. and Van Horn. The turn around after Marian, across from Ron’s Par-T-Pak almost always has a car up on the grass behind the pine tree. The speed limit is 50 through there.

Van Horn Road near Chrysler Plant

Trenton, MichiganAug 31, 20060 Comments

Going East on Van Horn road there is always a cop on the right hand side right before McDonalds, in the driveway to the water treatment center. Speed limit is 45 and i got clocked at 51! and got 5 over! the new Trenton Dodge Charger cops are ruthless! beware!

West Jefferson Avenue near Sibley Gardens/Mclouth Steel Parkway

Trenton, MichiganMar 27, 20060 Comments

They sit in the parking lot of sibley gardens on either side of the restaurant, And across the street in a hidden driveway at the old mclouth steel factory, they also hide in any one of those other paking lots in the area’s. they aremore often out there at night, but are there any time of the day, Real hard to see them at night.

State Route 85 near Fort and King Crossing

Trenton, MichiganFeb 01, 20060 Comments

The trenton supervisor sits in the parking lot just north of the trenton athletic club. This is just north of King road on Northbound Fort Street(M-85). Can hardly see his cruiser at night. Usually on weekends after 11pm probably looking for drunks.

State Route M-85 Fort Street near Marian Drive

Trenton, MichiganAug 24, 20050 Comments

Police car hidden in trees across from Ron’s Par-T-Pak.

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