Whitmore Lake, Michigan Speed Traps

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Northfield Township

Whitmore Lake, MichiganApr 17, 20100 Comments

A police car with radar is usually sitting in the side driveway of the Fire Station located on N. Territorial between Sutton and Spencer rds. Other times they can be found at various hiding spots on a half mile stretch of N. Territorial Rd. between the old Carter Lumber facility and US-23.
Do 5 mph over the posted speed or cross the center line to avoid the horrendous potholes and it’s a guaranteed stop.

Main St. & U.S. Hwy. 23

Whitmore Lake, MichiganFeb 10, 20100 Comments

Whitmore Lake Main Street going on to North Bound U.S. Hwy. 23 it is Not a right hand turn on to the on ramp. Many turn and they will pull you over.

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