Minneapolis, Minnesota Speed Traps

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169 south bound at valley view road exit

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJul 20, 20160 Comments

there is a police officer tracking speed off the bridge and there are 5 police cars lined up on the ramp; drive slow

Presumably all over the Twin Cities

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJul 09, 20150 Comments

I was listening to KARE-TV and there will be “enhanced traffic enforcement” now until July 29, 2015. In other words, the state allocates extra funds whereby state patrol officers and local municipalities have their officers work overtime and extra duty hours to issue more speeding tickets.
This is more highly pronounced in previous speed trap areas.

I-94 at the Dowling entrance ramp

Minneapolis, MinnesotaSep 07, 20140 Comments

North bound I-94 at the Dowling entrance ramp.

50th Street and Hiawatha Ave. So.

Minneapolis, MinnesotaAug 31, 20140 Comments

This is really a sobriety stop with many state patrol cars. They will also stop if not wearing a seat belt. This stop is prevalent during holidays after 5 p.m., terror alerts and state fair time. Federal police are on duty at certain times at the intersection of Crosstown 62 and 34th Ave. So., near the entrance to the military base.

Highway 77 (Cedar Ave) between 66th St and Lake Nokomis

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 23, 20111 Comments

The Cops hide out in the medians under bridges and just before you exit the highway going North and also at the intersection just before Lake Nokomis going North.

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