Minneapolis, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Central Avenue near 33rd Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaFeb 20, 20060 Comments

Activity just started, Feb. 2006. Squad will hang out on the west side, down the driveway to the Columbia Golf clubhouse. Observed pullovers have been southbound on Central.

Interstate 35-W near Hennepin Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaFeb 20, 20060 Comments

State Trooper well-concealed behind freeway overpass, monitoring southbound traffic.

Osseo Road near Victory Memorial Parkway

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJan 06, 20060 Comments

Police sit along either Victory Memorial Drive or on the grass in between the road and parkway and watch for speeders down Osseo Rd after crossing the railroad yard. They may also sit on Thomas Av N facing Osseo Rd.

Fremont Avenue near Lowry Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJan 06, 20060 Comments

Police have been seen parked on Fremont, just south of 33rd AV N. They have been sitting there like a parked car, with a radar gun watching out the windshield. Be careful.

West River Road near 29th Street

Minneapolis, MinnesotaNov 20, 20050 Comments

Cop pulled me over, said he clocked me at 45 and 42 in a 25 mph zone. I just started my car, he stopped me after I stopped and went through stop sign. He gave me a ticket for unreasonable acceleration. What a joke!

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