Robbinsdale, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Hwy 100 South at the Robbinsdale city limits south bound

Robbinsdale, MinnesotaJun 20, 20140 Comments

A radar car, dark gray dodge charger, hiding under overpass. Eight (8) chase cars about 1/4 mile down the road. They had five cars pulled over when I went by.

West Broadway Road near State Highway 100

Robbinsdale, MinnesotaAug 11, 20070 Comments

Travling from Crystal into Robbinsdale, right before the Hwy 100 overpass on the left hand side of road. Small wayside rest area

State Highway 100 near County Trunk 81

Robbinsdale, MinnesotaAug 06, 20071 Comments

They sit under the Bridge on the bridge apron JUST before the North 81 exit ramp. its allways dark there, and now that the robbinsdale cop cars are all DARK Blue, they like hiding in dark places.

State Highway 100 near 36th Ave N Street

Robbinsdale, MinnesotaMar 05, 20060 Comments

Heavy enforcement on Hwy 100 both N and S bound. Favorite spots are under the 36th Ave Bridge (or just north of if it) and the on ramps from 36th Ave both N and S bound

State Highway 100 near France Avenue

Robbinsdale, MinnesotaMar 05, 20060 Comments

Hwy 100 North bound frequent enforcement at the France Ave on ramp. Squad cars sit behind the on ramp wall and are very difficult to spot.

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