New Albany, Mississippi Speed Traps

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Bankhead and Hwy 78/I22 Exit

New Albany, MississippiAug 29, 20230 Comments

Be forewarned. If it’s a weekend night or a holiday, there absolutely, unquestionably WILL be a road block here. Every single weekend night and every single holiday. Without fail.

Davis road

New Albany, MississippiNov 11, 20120 Comments

New Albany Police love to sit on a turn road just inside the city limits. The speed limit drops to 35 at this point. They usually sit there early in the morning trying to catch people commuting to work. This road is a short cut to Blue Mountain and Ripley MS. People are usually in a hurry to get to work. When you round the curve before the road comes to a T, He has got you.

Hwy 30 E. coming into New Albany from Booneville

New Albany, MississippiJan 17, 20110 Comments

After you reach the city limit, there is often a cop sitting back behind the wooden church sign on the north side of the highway where the speed limit drops to 35, getting people coming around the curve.

Sam T. Barkley Road

New Albany, MississippiJul 11, 20080 Comments

There’s a cop sitting in the school’s drive way or in the church parking lot. Looking at the 4 way stop sign. You better come to a Complete stop (and possibly pause for a few seconds) Also they aim the radar towards Moss Hill and get people topping the hill. It’s only 30mph there, could easily be 40.


State Highway 78 near Mile Marker 60 – thru 64

New Albany, MississippiMar 28, 20060 Comments

Hwy 78 Thru the town of New Albany, MS. Speed goes from 70 at Town limitsa to 60 thru town. Locals sit at ramps and center divide at random times. Between Exit 60 and exit 64 Mm 60 thru 65

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