Southaven, Mississippi Speed Traps

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Getwell-between Goodman Rd and Stateline Rd

Southaven, MississippiMar 08, 20112 Comments

This is a long road and the speed limit is apparently 40mph. The sit out there at night with 0 tolerence.

On Rasco Road

Southaven, MississippiDec 30, 20100 Comments

Going east on Rasco after you pass the school there is a little park and when you are going east you can’t see it till you get right up on it. They sit backed up in there. Many, many people have been caught there.

Tuchalahoma and Nottingham

Southaven, MississippiMay 12, 20100 Comments

Police use radar on southbound and northbound traffic on Tuchalahoma. They set up on Nottingham and catch traffice both ways on Tuchalahoma because the traffic comes over a hill. The limit is 35 mph. The police are hidden by the hills.

Airways Road near Rasco Road

Southaven, MississippiApr 29, 20081 Comments

Four lane roadway, high traffic just south of Stateline road near the warehouses. Checking the south-bound lanes.


I 55 Expressway

Southaven, MississippiJul 13, 20070 Comments

Local police sitting in median at end of construction zone. Issuing ticket to motorist entering highway from S. bound ramp. No posted speed limit or sign to designate a construction zone. Officer issued ticket without informing me beforehand of the violation. Also as an out of state drive he confiscated my licsence until fine paid. Court date was set beyond the 30 days that the summons can be used as a licence. Impossible to wait and return to make court.

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