Affton, Missouri Speed Traps
Laclede Station Road near Gravois
Generally a police car is parked on the Sam’s Steakhouse parking lot or on the side streets off Laclede Station Road between Rock Hill and Gravois.
Mackenzie Street near White-Rogers Middle School
The cop sits on the West side of the road on a turn off (edge of Ressurection Cemetary) across from White-Rogers Middle school by that small communications tower. He is only there when it is dark and takes radar on Northbound traffic (towards Mackenzie Point). Got me going 51 in a 40 as I was passing a VERY slow moving vehicle that I had been stuck behind for quite awhile.
Delma Street near Valcor Street
Warm evening, street full of kids playing,cars parked on both sides of the street, Got pulled over for the 7th time by the same cop. 45mph in a 20mph zone. Honest cop? oh yeah
Gravois Road near Anywhere between Saint George Church and Sappington Rd
There are Saint Louis County police officers in Impalas and Crowns, but mainly Impalas waiting down side streets and in parking lots, but mainly close to traffic lights.
Where Kinston Dr. turns into South Broadway near Notre Dame highschool
Heading west(away from 255) on Kingston Dr.(40mph) approaching the section where it turns into South Broadway(30mph). There is usually a cop parked on a side street clocking. The police do not give anyone time to slow down. They clock right after the 30mph speed limit sign. In short a driver is expected to instantaneously go from 40 to 30 within a few feet. I got clocked doing 36 in a 30, while I WAS slowing down.