Ballwin, Missouri Speed Traps

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Dutch Mill Road near Hollyridge Road

Ballwin, MissouriMay 01, 20070 Comments

Marked Ballwin police car sits to south of intersection of Dutch Mill watching the stop sign at the corner of Hollyridge. Often hides behind a parked car in front of a house there.

Hanna Road near State Highway 141

Ballwin, MissouriApr 20, 20070 Comments

you go up a hill and the cop is waiting for you at the top

New Ballwin Road near Manchester Road

Ballwin, MissouriApr 05, 20072 Comments

Right after the school zones there is a big hill and they sit up on the hill and shoot radar to see if you break the 30 mph limit. Sometimes they will sit behind or in front of parked cars to try to hide themselves.

Holloway Road

Ballwin, MissouriFeb 13, 20071 Comments

The police will either wait in the parking lots of the Ballwin Pool, angled so they are difficult to see, or they will wait in the parking lot of the Ballwin Golf Course with their lights off at night. I have seen many a person pulled over at this intersection.

Holloway Road near Ballwin Golf Course

Ballwin, MissouriDec 14, 20041 Comments

Speed limit is 30, officers will sit in the Ballwin Golf Course parking lot. When you come up over the little hill on Holloway, next to the new pool, he gets you. Heaviest enforcement during summer evenings. There is an officer there probably 85% of the time during summer. It just so happens that the Ballwin Police Station is right up the road.

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