Beverly Hills, Missouri Speed Traps
Lucas & Hunt Road near Natural Bridge Road
This intersection is known for its photo enforcement. My advice is to do what I did. Ignore every and all tickets issued by camera enforcement and drive the speed the limit not getting pulled over in Beverly Hills.
I received ticket over a year ago and no action has been taken. Just BS threatening letters by these punks. They can’t do squat.
Natural Bridge Road near Lucas Hunt Boulevard
The trap is any Beverly Hills officer that is on the road. At any time of day you will find that officers continually stop cars. I was stopped without cause, with a passenger, and was traveling the posted speed limit (30). The officer stated on his ticket, that has the incorrect vehicle year and color listed, that he paced me going 11 miles over the speed limit. The officer trailed me for one half mile without incident at a distance of 250′. I have a Florida tag. Only until I made a required turn did he decide to pull me over. His first statement was where am I coming from when I was just passing through their little town. Beverly Hills is dangerous to the public. The second officer threatened that I should be grateful the officer did not give me three more tickets.
Natural Bridge Street near Lucas and Hunt ST.
This area and Bel Nor have been on the news for "trapping" motorists at street lights by the use of a device that can make the traffic lights change at a moments notice. They usually wait until the motorist is right at the light, then change it, after which, the motorist is pulled over and given a ticket and driver license taken.