Blue Springs, Missouri Speed Traps

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Kingsridge Dr and Oxford Dr (Kingsridge neighborhood)

Blue Springs, MissouriMay 14, 20130 Comments

An officer sits on Oxford north of Kingsridge and harasses motorists on Kingsridge for speeding, failure to stop at the 4-way stop, etc. More common at night during the last few days of the month (making a revenue quota).

Can be at other locations in the Kingsridge subdivision as well, usually near stop signs. (Kingsridge is between Blue Springs High School and Woods Chapel Road.)

Moreland School Rd and 19th St.

Blue Springs, MissouriMay 13, 20120 Comments

The cop likes to sit on a makeshift road that has a moving fence and the road changes from 40 to 35 if your going east through Lake Jacomo.

40 Highway and Valley View Rd.

Blue Springs, MissouriNov 21, 20100 Comments

40 Highway is divided into 2 lanes going west and 2 going east. When you are going east on 40 Highway the speed limit drops from 55 to 45 at the bottom of a big hill. The police like to sit on the "cross over" section at the bottom of the hill that takes you to westbound 40 and hand out tickets to the eastbound drivers on 40. They are there ALOT and must make huge revenue off of it. If you are unfamiliar with the area… this is the area between Lake Tapawingo and Little Blue Pkwy….

Throughout city limits

Blue Springs, MissouriSep 26, 20100 Comments

I haven’t noticed any real "speed trap." However, after living here just over a year now, I’ve got to say I’ve never seen so many police cars! Sometimes I can be sitting at a light (the longest in history is at 7 Hwy & RD Mize, with no right turns allowed on red), and I often see up to 3 police cars go through the light in various directions. They’re everywhere!!! I’m glad to know they’re there, but I do have to watch my speed!

Duncan Road at Saunders Road

Blue Springs, MissouriApr 15, 20100 Comments

The speed limit on Duncan Road is 35, but drops to 30 for a short distance in a dip and around the curves at Saunders Road (1 mile east of Woods Chapel Road). Police park on Saunders Road and catch people coming from either direction as both directions come around curves and down a hill. Saunders is at the bottom of the hill and police are not seen until you are right at Saunders Road.

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