Cleveland, Missouri Speed Traps

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State Route Highway D near Yellow flashing light Crossing

Cleveland, MissouriMar 31, 20080 Comments

Speed limits are not unrealistic below prevailing safe speeds. Each end of the city limits has a hill and you pop over the top driving the state posted speed of 55mph a posted city speed of 45mph is displayed. They give you 5mph over then it is ticket time. They set various places, gas station, entrance to used car lot, several side roads available. You send your ticket and money to the state capitol and in return I assume the city gets a cut. They like AM & PM drive time and 9PM to 11PM best. From experience 58mph in the city 45mph equals $85.

Holmes Road near Main Street

Cleveland, MissouriAug 31, 20070 Comments

Right as you enter Cleveland there is a small gravel area where the police sit and take radar just as the speed limit changes and you go over a hill. There used to be a big bush that hid the patrol cars, but someone cut it down.

State Highway D near State Highway Y

Cleveland, MissouriJun 16, 20040 Comments

In Cleveland, near the interesection of State Hway D and State Hway Y, if you are travelling south on Hway D the speed limit is 45mph. Once you pass the interesection of D and Y continuing south on D, the speed limit is still 45 for at least another mile, even though you think you’ve left the big city of Cleveland far behind and you’re back in the country travelling on a hway where the speed limit should be 55. It’s not, and there is a cop that will sit at this little auto dealership on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere waiting for you to come around the corner at 55 or 60. I got busted for doing 60 here. This is clearly a speed trap which brings Cleveland some much needed revenue.

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