Desoto, Missouri Speed Traps

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Fountain city Rd diff places

Desoto, MissouriFeb 11, 20130 Comments

road has low speed limit 35 which the county has all over jeff co roads for the purpose of easily catching people speeding. they set in driveways or sideroads etc

Bridge over Plattin Creek on Fountain city rd.

Desoto, MissouriApr 04, 20100 Comments

Police sit near Mahns Funeral Home and clock you going over the bridge toward town. Speed limit changes right at the bridge from 35 to 25.

State Highway 110 near Main Street

Desoto, MissouriSep 02, 20070 Comments

The trap is located at main street and 110 highway in Desoto.The speed limit on 110 is 60 mph and drops to 50 mph going downhill shortly before reaching Main street.This way motorists have to apply brakes going downhill.

State Highway E near Miller Road

Desoto, MissouriAug 04, 20070 Comments

usually 2 or more locals sitting on the side of the road at the same time near the old bridge slightly hidden until you come around the corner speed is 35 mph they will get you if you do at least 5 mph over

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