Hannibal, Missouri Speed Traps
Hucklebery Road near Huckleberry Park Trail
The police like to park close to the firemen’s cars as to blend in, or at the parking lot of the apartments along the road
Broadway Street near Riverfront Road
Hannibal Police Department using patrol cars with radar, motorcycles mounted with radar, and police officers on foot hiding in bushes and off the decks of Schwartz Manor on Broadway with radar guns in hand. HPD harass young drivers who cruise Broadway from the Riverfront all the way out Broadway extension to St. Marys Ave to James Road especially at night.
HPD also goes for the tourists and out of town drivers along with local drivers who drive this route seeing tourist sites and/or conducting business in the downtown area. Very sneaky tactics in order to write speeding tickets and other moving violations for revenue generation for the city.
State Highway 79 near Lover’s Leap to I-72
Speed trap is from high on the hill (city limits) near Lover’s Leap through to I-72. The most common area for Hannibal Police to setup speedtrap is from Lover’s Leap to
the 3rd Street Viaduct. Police are especially tricky at times hiding vehicles on side roads, using motorcycles mounted with radar, and hiding in bushes with radar guns.
US Highway 61 near State Highway 168
Speed trap is from Warren Barrett Drive on the south of US Hwy 61 several miles straight through to about 1/2 mile north of State Hwy 168 near Tom Boland Ford. It is patroled mainly by the Hannibal Police Department who see this strip as a revenue generator for the city and for themselves. Officers are paid overtime pay for just patroling this stretch of Hwy 61. Overanxious policemen who are quick to write tickets to anyone, locals and out of towners. Fines and court costs are doubling in order to generate more revenue for the city. Truckers especially beware. Repeated speeding truckers who run stop lights are especially in the spotlight for heavy fines. MO State Hwy Patrol and Marion County Sheriff’s Dept occasionally patrol the area too.
US Highway 61 near US Highway 61
Speed trap runs from Warren Barrett Drive by General Mills plant all the way through Hannibal to past Highway 168 by the Tom Boland Ford Dealership. Federal money given to Hannibal Police Department to run radar almost around the clock in this high traffic area near schools, shopping and restaurants. Hannibal Police are paid up to 1 1/2 more for patroling this area of US Highway 61. Semis regularly speed through this area and run stoplights.