Leasburg, Missouri Speed Traps

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The entire strip of Highway H through the town of Leasburg

Leasburg, MissouriMay 04, 20100 Comments

The speed limit drops from 55 mph to 35 at the city limits. A part time police officer sits mainly near the park in town. He apparently sets his own schedule so you never know for sure when he is on duty. Slow down. He even tickets 2 miles over the limit.

Bridge over Hwy. 44.

Leasburg, MissouriMar 28, 20100 Comments

Both Hwy. Patrol and Local Police like to sit on top of the bridge over Hwy. 44 with radar. All they have to do is go down the ramp and you are caught.
There are many samll towns between Valley Park and Rolla that use radar because of construction, and drivers exceeding the speed limit of 70 mph. This Hwy. is very heavily used by truckers making traveling Hwy. 44 a bit more dangerous at times. Just be allert!

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