Lone Jack, Missouri Speed Traps
Lone Jack Builds new jail with speed Money
Any where from the Lone Jack City Limits signs they will be hiding. On a few slow days they will post a patrolman east of the city limit sign on the shoulder – hit you from behind as you pass and call ahead to the patrol setting on a road just west of the fireworks store, just inside of their city limits. They sit either side of the road some times they are on the north side or the south side. But they do have a new jail that was built from city fines, See they don’t write you up on a state violation but a city violation. That way the keep more of the fine. I received a fine for no front license plate displayed. but as he wrote me up I asked why the two two hot rods owned but 2 citizens of their town are not ticketed.. Once again stat law to have it on my car – but wrote it up as a city ordinance, 70 dollar fine. If your military remove your hat and slow down – last estimate was about 40-45 percent of their revenues came from Airman traveling between KCMO and the base near knob Knoster…
Within the boundaries of Lone Jack on 50 Hwy
I have personal experience of meeting Lone Jack’s finest. Although the speed limit through the non-existent town (a couple of buildings and a cross road) is 65mph, I had the cruise set at 69 and was traveling along with a bunch of other cars (about 8) and at least, two of them passed me. I saw the police officer hiding in the trees between the divided highway and was undecided as to whether I should turn off the cruise or not. I did turn it off and was slowing but in the middle of the pack. As I passed the police car, I noticed that she (police officer) pulled out into the lane behind a couple of other cars behind me. She turned the lights on and cars began slowing and pulling over but she passed each of them until she got to me. I pulled over and she walked up to my open window and said "clocked you at 78 in a 65". I had 3 other passengers in the car and all knew I was not going 78. I appeared at the evening traffic court in a small building (about the size of a garage) and paid a lawyer to have the ticket exchanged for a "defective equipment" charge. Since then I have heard from a number of people that Lone Jack is a known speed trap and even made national recognition for that accomplishment. Although I was speeding (about 4mph over), apparently they will make up the speed so you can never be safe traveling through that town or at least don’t have non-Missouri license plates.
US Hwy 50 & S Bynum Rd
Lone Jack Police Officers have very little to do, thus are eager to stop motorists for extremely minor violations, such as defective license plate lights and driving a few miles per hour over the speed limit. They hide behind trees, billboards, and even in business lots, such as car dealerships (where they blend in with the merchandise). The good news is…if these officers were the brightest, they wouldn’t be working in Lone Jack…so you can probably out smart ’em once they get you stopped. And by all means, do stop! Lone Jack Police will chase you ’til their wheels fall off.
US Highway 50 east bound and west near Powell Gardens
Watch out in lone Jack Missouri, just east of Lee’s Summit.
The Lone Jack Officers have an unmarked,special non-reflective paint. The Police car is a Dodge magnum I believe. The hide off the road in treeline just off the highway on the edge of town, both sides of town.
State Highway 50 / 150
West Bound Traffic, police sit on the exit ramp in front of Sonic where they cannot be seen. East bound traffic Prior to 150(blinking light), they like to sit in the car pool lot and blend and sit by the small restaurant. East bound after 150(after blinking light) in the median in front of the log cabin, in the driveway of the large house on right side of road or on the street by the log cabin. Drive Slow .. they will get you…