Oakland, Missouri Speed Traps

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On Adams between east edge of Kirkwood and Berry Road

Oakland, MissouriApr 25, 20100 Comments

Police patrol heavily, especially near the end of the month. Drive back and forth during morning rush hour or sit in church lot on south west side of Berry on Adams.

Melshire and Holmes.

Oakland, MissouriApr 01, 20100 Comments

Police sit in trail parking lot or on Melshire Ct. They look for people who do not make a proper stop at intersection Holmes and Melshire. Also watch speed
after a left turn on Melshire toward Big Bend. Speed Limit is 25 but there is no sign.

I-44 at Sappington Overpass

Oakland, MissouriJan 01, 20020 Comments

Three Officers sit on top of Sappington Overpass (which is unlit) dressed in black. two to three Oakland PD cruisers sit on the side of the highway to pull people over. They play both sides of the Hwy, after I turned around and went back to find the "Laser" they were set up on the other side of the road.

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