O'Fallon, Missouri Speed Traps
Interstate I-70 near TR Hughes BLVD Bypass
The O’Fallon Police have set up on top of the overpass shooting their lidar guns behind vehicles. (East Bound) O’Fallon Police also like to sit on the exit ramps here as well!
State Highway K near O’Fallon Soccer Park & The Sewer District, Just North of O’Fallon Rd
KA – INSTANT ON – O’Fallon along with State, and Country use KA Instant on at this location, they sit in 4 Different spots around this location, each spot is about .01 miles apart, this is the area where the 2 bridges are on HWY K
Mexico Road near Knaust Road
Cops sit just past the hill crest where the normal speed limit is 45 mph, but just over the hill is a construction zone of 25 mph. If you are not instantly at 25 mph, they pull you over.
1/2 mile East of the Winghaven interchange
O’Fallon PD will often sit in the median at the point that the lanes shift from the old pavement to the new lanes. The center position allows them extended view in both directions. You can often see two patrol cars side-by-side monitoring both eastbound and westbound traffic.
inbetween mcdonalds and hwy p on hwy m
they hide behind fence by citco and between the 2 new "bank" buildings