Pacific, Missouri Speed Traps
Old 66 heading East into town
They sit right over that little hill just East of Unnerstalls Cont. straight across from Steffens Towing, sometimes in Steffens lot. Keep it @ 40MPH either direction.
Old Hwy 66 Road near West of Red Cedar Inn
Squad sits on side of the road just past a hill west of Red Cedar Inn clocking cars going westbound. This is about 1/4 mile west of the point where the speed limit reduces from 55 to 40.
Interstate 44 near Pacific On Ramp
Sometimes a cop will sit at the very first by the on ramp for Pacific looking onto the interstate trying to catch speeders. He is obvious about it also.
State Highway N near Old Gray Summit Road Street
He likes to sit in a driveway on Old Gray Summit Road and catch you coming over the hill of Lamar Parkway, or coming around either turn. Depends what he wants to do..
Also, one sits in the RB School parking lot.. I was pulled over there.