Pineville, Missouri Speed Traps
US Highway 71 near Main Street
City police hide anywhere along the highway but they love to hide on the west side of the road near the big hill coming down out of Anderson and nab people as they are driving too fast down the hill. When they give you the ticket, they tell you to call the phone number on the back. When you do, a city clerk discusses with you about paying $159.00 (for a $75.00 ticket) and they will reduce the charges to a parking violation. Drive 45mph at all times when going through Pineville!
US Highway 71
very congested area. Tickets continually being given. 1 mile over speed limit is $43.
US Highway US 71
Pineville Missouri has a 24 hour speed trap on Hwy 71 that runs near their town. The Highway doesn’t actually go through the town of Pineville, but they ticket motorists all day and night long. The most interesting thing about these stops is the traffic is somewhat bumper to bumper and they are giving tickets. Impossible for these people to actually be speeding simply following the vehicle in front of them. Very surprised that the State of Missouri has allowed Pineville to continue this very questionable practice. State building a new road which should be finished in next 3-5 years ending their reign of terror.
US Highway 71 and Southwestern Missouri
Police are on the road 24/7. They constantly have someone pulled over each day I go by. They will sit on the southbound lane waiting for the speeding motorist to come down to them and then write you, what they call a summons, ticket for you to pay their cities bills. Be carefull.