Richmond Heights, Missouri Speed Traps

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Claytonia Terrace near Wise Avenue

Richmond Heights, MissouriFeb 11, 20080 Comments

The same officer sits on Claytonia every morning, pulling people over for exceeding a 15mph limit. The speed limit for this road is lower than the nearby ‘school speed limit’ of 20mph.

Laclede Station Road near Interstate 64

Richmond Heights, MissouriJan 15, 20080 Comments

Cars sit just to South of Dale avenue and shoot radar on vehicles exiting from westbound I-64 to Southbound Laclede Station. The speed limit on Laclede Station is 20 and cars typically exit the highway at 35 to 40 making this an excellent source for revenue

Bellevue Street near Dale Street

Richmond Heights, MissouriJun 01, 20070 Comments

You better have your eyes open cause they are watching. It is a school there, but the playground is up on a hill. And, most of the time it is the same cop everyday.

Bellevue Avenue near Wise Avenue

Richmond Heights, MissouriMay 29, 20070 Comments

Speed limit on Bellevue Ave south of Clayton Road through Dale is 20 mph. The Richmond Hts. police enforce this limit aggressively.

Bellevue Avenue near Interstate 64

Richmond Heights, MissouriMar 09, 20060 Comments

Despite the speed limit signs that read "Speed limit 20 on school days when children are present", this misleading stretch of road is 20 at All times! Thare is one particular officer who stays parked out of site on a side street on the south side of the church just south of 64 on Bellevue. He can typically be found during lunch time. However, Bellevue is also a favorite haunt at any time for Richmond Heights officers. Be very careful. A safe speed for this road is 30, so do not assume the speed limit is 30!

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