Sunset Hills, Missouri Speed Traps

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Hwy 30 Eastbound just past the Meramec River bridge.

Sunset Hills, MissouriJul 06, 20210 Comments

As you are coming East bound on MO. Hwy 30 into Sunset Hills limits just off the Meramec River Bridge, You’ll make a sweeping turn & setting in the median will be a Black & White SUV from Sunset Hills at the edge of their city limits shooting radar at the highway traffic coming downhill from 60 MPH to 50 to 40 in a long straightaway. They are hoping you can’t see them setting in the median or turn lanes. As you make the curve they have you a 1/2 mile before you see them. Sunset Hills is noted for there speed traps all around their limits. Just another day for Sunset Hills cops in new SUV’s. There are a lot of them.

Hwy 30 at I-270

Sunset Hills, MissouriSep 20, 20180 Comments

Hwy 30 East & West bound, Just before & just after I-270. Sunset Hills pays for their new SUV’s with constant radar enforcement. West bound just after I-270, It’s a steep downhill that they get you unless you stand on the brakes all the way to the bottom. Gravity alone will get you the ticket. When you get to the Municipal building to pay the ticket, You’ll see where all the money goes. Looks like the garden of Eden with flowers.

On Gravois Ridge Ct. Facing East looking at Gravois Rd.

Sunset Hills, MissouriSep 06, 20160 Comments

I have seen the officer(s) set up shop there for speed traps almost every other day around the 12-4 or 12-5 time frame for the most part. The Trap is set up where it can be ran by one officer or multiple officers at once. There is a officer concealed well by thick tall brush which makes him invisible to people traveling East on Gravois Rd. at the top of Gravois Ridge Ct. which is on high ground on top of a small grade hill. He is looking North East onto Gravois Rd. using radar and sometimes tagging people traveling East on Gravois Rd. The road he is on Leads to Gravois Rd. because it is a residential street. Sometimes he will just be on Gravois Rd. just past the right turn when you get off of I-270. It is ran with multiple officers when one officer sits up on Gravois Ridge Ct. and radar scans cars going east and cars going west on Gravois Rd. other officers will then be waiting at either the entrance of Hadley Hill Rd., the entrance to Hill Top Rd., and the entrance to Landmark Pkwy Dr.

Hwy 30 west bound from I-270

Sunset Hills, MissouriAug 09, 20140 Comments

Divided Hwy 30. It is a big downhill west bound from I-270. Sunset Hills has recently purchased new white SUV patrol cars & are paying for them with the public’s hard earned paychecks. They changed the speed limit from 60 MPH on this divided 4-lane to 40 MPH. Absolutely NO reason for the lower speed. No new building or offices, Just the top of a big hill coming off I-270. They sit at the bottom DAY & NIGHT. Unless use stay on your brakes all the way down to the bottom, Gravity alone will surely get you a ticket. Sunset Hills economy is counting on it. The officers, the prosecuters, & the judges are all in the game. Drive it yourself & see the scam–BUT BE AWARE–THEY DON’T CARE !

On Lindbergh Blvd. Between I-44 and West Watson Road

Sunset Hills, MissouriJan 24, 20120 Comments

The speed limit has been lowered recently through this section from 40 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour. Police will sit hidden behind buildings and will ticket you. I see no apparent reason for the change other than to make Sunset Hills more money.

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