Wildwood, Missouri Speed Traps

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Valley Road, near Chatham Place Ct.

Wildwood, MissouriDec 08, 20210 Comments

Police sit in front of Chatham Place Ct. where Valley Road begins to curve. When you come around the blind curve, there they are.

Wildhorse Creek Rd east of Centaur Rd

Wildwood, MissouriJan 19, 20160 Comments

Wildhorse Creek Rd, 1/4 mile east of Centaur at bottom of hill…. going west on Wildhorse Creek speed limit changes to 30mph & at decommissioned old entrance to Babler State Park is a speed trap… 40 mph would be a more resonable limit for this 1/2 mile section of rd with only 1 driveway… setting up at the bottom of hill traps 90% of normally law abiding drivers…

Centaur Rd

Wildwood, MissouriJan 19, 20160 Comments

At multiple places on both east & west sides of levee.
Speed limit was recently changed from 45 to 35 on this 1 mile stretch where it is straight as an arrow and virtually only 1 active address along entire length… IMO, 45 to 50 would be a safe drive speed here…. 35 is a difficult speed for even the most conservative of slow drivers to maintain. Wildwood is a great rural city and it will be sad if it becomes known as a speed trap city.

By the entrance of Babler Park on Highway BA

Wildwood, MissouriApr 16, 20110 Comments

They like to catch you comming down the long down hill, and sit about 200 yards past the entrance to Babler park, by Pond Rd.

Highway 109 north of Old State Road intersection

Wildwood, MissouriSep 29, 20100 Comments

On the west side of 109 is a turn-in for a plant nursery, which allows radar unit to catch southbound coming off a school zone, as well as northbound which come down a long hill and are not stopped at light at Old State Road.

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