Omaha, Nebraska Speed Traps

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Interstate 80 near City limit

Omaha, NebraskaMar 06, 20040 Comments

Eastbound on I80, from Harrison Street (city limit) to the 680 junction and eastbound from the junction toward midtown. Very common Saturday morning, 0700-1100. Mixture of state patrol and local officers.

L Street, between 120th and 132nd St.

Omaha, NebraskaAug 31, 20030 Comments

New construction zone. New speed limit of 35 is fairly slow for the conditions. Police dressed as construction worker with radar/laser.

60th Street, north of Ames Avenue, South of Hartman

Omaha, NebraskaAug 28, 20030 Comments

Police set up at base of hill, speed limit is 35 down and up hill, then changes to 40. Usually there on Friday afternoons.

Eastbound on Pacific St. just west of 132nd St.

Omaha, NebraskaAug 15, 20030 Comments

This trap usually has 3 or 4 cops at it, one even stands in the street to stop cars they’ve snagged. They hide in the little park parking lot at the top of the hill, but peg you as you’re going down the previous hill. There are some conveniently placed trees that obscure your vision of the stake-out until you’re at the bottom of the hill and it’s too late. There’s no reason that stretch of road should have a 40 mph speed limit as the only side streets(there are only 3) have lights or have plenty of visibility. Also the hills are such that even coasting will put you over 40 mph. The bright side about this trap is that the cops I’ve experienced were generally pretty nice.

108th st. between Center and L

Omaha, NebraskaAug 06, 20030 Comments

The Pigs setup by the rockbrook village area, and wait for north bound traffic to come down the hill the the Westside Schools CCC. the speed limit is 35 but if you coast down the hill you are easily doing 50, they usually do this at least once a month and 4 to 5 times a month when school starts, and lets out.

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