Las Vegas, Nevada Speed Traps

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harmon Road near decatur Avenue

Las Vegas, NevadaMay 15, 20050 Comments

Harmon Ave between decatur and lindell, Police on cycles are allway there in groups of 3 -4 officers This area suports the las vegas police dept. On average they are there 4-6 hrs a day writing between 20 tickets a hr.

Eastern Avenue near Desert Inn Avenue

Las Vegas, NevadaApr 26, 20050 Comments

Motorcycle officers hid behind the entrance sign to the Las Vegas Physical Therapy Clinic on Eastern, midway between Desert Inn Road and Flamingo mostly between 5:30am and 9:00am. Been doing this location for years.

Harmon Avenue near Pecos Street

Las Vegas, NevadaApr 25, 20050 Comments

When traveling east on this street it has a down grade hill. You must apply your brakes to maintain speed limit of 25 MPH.
Motorcycle police sit on side street at bottom of hill, usually towards end of month.

Flamingo Road near Maryland Parkway

Las Vegas, NevadaOct 15, 20040 Comments

Bike cops like to hang out in the Sinclair gas station on the corner and look for someone 1)speeding, 2) running the red light (quite common), or making illegal U-turns (posted that you cannot do this). Most of the bike cops I’ve encountered in Las Vegas have extremely bad attitudes and are quite verbally abusive to whomever they stop. Heaven forbid you ask a question or try to argue.

Oakey Boulevard near 6th Street

Las Vegas, NevadaOct 14, 20040 Comments

On Oakey between 10th Street and Las Vegas Blvd., motorcycle cops will hide out in the side streets, usually on or about 7th or 8th Streets. The posted speed limit is only 25 because this is a residential neighborhood, but since it’s also a un-congested East-West route many people take it. Just about everyone I know has been popped here.

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