Saint John, New Brunswick Speed Traps
Chesley Drive / Route 100
The whole length of Chesley Drive can and is used as a speed trap. But there is one spot in front of Ocean Steel Ltd. where the can back their cruiser in behind some of the shrubery in front of the building, making them very hard to spot. Like I said, the whole length of this street has had traps set up in different spots. And the speed limit is now 50kph.
State Highway MacKay near Rothesay Avenue
On the MacKay Highway, coming from Rothesay to Rothesay ave or vice versa. Police park in between the divided highway and are hard to see. Speed limit decreases 10 km/hr at the speed trap.
Harbor Bridge Road near Toll Bridge
I got pulled over on my way down the hill 4 days ago and after he gave me my ticket he told me the toll both operators were complaining about people travelling too fast leading into the tolls. So he informed me that they are going to be watching there. Sure enough going to work everyday morning and night there have been police on the bridge, the speed limit is 50 leading into the tolls be careful it easy to come in too fast and not realize.