Amherst, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Milford Road near State Highway 101
On Milford Road under the 101 overpass. Amherst police on motorcycle with radar are there at least once a week under shadow cover.
State Route 101A near west of WAL-MART
101A passes through a congested retail area with numerous stop lights. The posted speed limit is 40. Traveling west, the motorist finally leaves the congestion behind at WAL-MART. The speed limit remains 40, even though there are few buisinesses and no stop lights, but after a mile the speed limit drops to 35.
Merrimack Road near State Route 122
Enforcement is random and frequent on the segment of Merrimack Road between Route 122 and Border Street. This road bends at about the Route 101 overpass, where cruisers wait by the roadside taking advantage of the "blind" spot the curve affords. Cruisers(s) may also wait in the church parking lot near this curve. Posted speed limit is 30.
State Highway 101 near the amherst plaza, 500 feet after the amherst plaza on the right, town dump, basket barn, bragdons
these are the most popular spots for police to park on 101 going through Amherst. 101 is regularly patrolled and speeds are usually enforced above 11 mph over. The police in this town can be very lienient if you are cooperative with them, just make sure to keep it around 6-8ish over and you *should* be fine.
State Route 101A
The whole town is a speed trap. Although I must say they get everyone 15 or more over on any street. Every patrol car has mobil radar. Problem is, the whole town is 30 mph except for 101A (35) and 101 (55)