Ashland, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Route 3, heading from the I-93 intersection into the center of town
Speed limits are not unrealistic, considering there is a ballfield/playground that you drive by and then straight into the center of town. However, because it’s a crossroads for I-93 and Rt.3, traffic is high and many, especially out-of-staters, are in a hurry. Because of this, the town police regularly sit in various parking lots along this stretch and run radar and pull over lots of vehicles. Best advice, just follow the limits, they’re not bad for the area, it is residential.
Route 3 heading west into town from Squam Lake, by the Dairy Joy as you head into town.
The speed limit drops from 55mph to 30mph and the road bends and narrows. The local police usually sit and run radar near the Dairy Joy. At night they sometimes sit in the Dairy Joy parking lot and you can’t see them until you come around the bend and it’s too late.