Concord, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Interstate 93 near Mile Marker 51
Mile MArker 52-50 is a down hill stretch next to 93N which is a BIG aricraft clocking area.
Just North of Concord NH
MM ~50.
There is an off road spot behind a small mound in the RIGHT grassy area OFF the breakdown lane.
IF you LOOK really hard you can see two tire tracks in and then out.
SPOT offers the motorist NO vantage point (sight)
Fisherville Road, Aranco Oil Parking Lot
Police sit in the parking lot of the Aranco Oil Parking lot at the intersection of Sewells Fallls Road. I have only seen then sitting there when the office is closed 5pm-8am. They like to hide in the back of the lot and get cars as the speed by in the 30 mph zone
Little pond road near the town water supply
Cop sits and waits at the bottom of the hill near district 5 road and the stop sign facing the water supply.
I-89 South
State Police sit in break down lane over knoll pointing laser at cars coming over the hill. Approx. 3 miles from Int. 93 junction.