Deerfield, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Route 107 near Deerfield Community School

Deerfield, New HampshireFeb 13, 20190 Comments

Police sit at the edge of the driveway of the school or across the road from the school during morning and afternoon commute during school hours. Speed limit quickly drops down to school zone limits and sometimes school zone lights do not flash after rain storms. (Bad wiring) They always have someone pulled over throughout the week.

Route 127 and freeze pond

Deerfield, New HampshireNov 01, 20110 Comments

From the north comming into Deerfield there is a long down hill grade with a 35 mile speed limit. Deerfield Cops have a pull out at the bottom near freeze pond to nab the speeders. Funny they never set up at the top of the hill for uphill traffic.

State Route 107 near State Route 27

Deerfield, New HampshireJan 14, 20080 Comments

As you are coming off of Route 27 (out of Raymond or Candia) and into Deerfield, there is a 35 MPH zone just after a 55 MPH zone for no apparent reason. Toward the end of the month, there is always someone pulled over there. Also, a little further down the road, just past the "welcome to Deerfield" sign, there is a dirt road that the police like to hide on.

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