Exeter, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Drinkwater Road. heading S and N!
Drinkwater road is a, way around the toll booth’s south
Guinea Road near the Co-op Junior High
Exeter crusiers sit just east and west of the school entrance off the road. Speed limit is 30 mph and 20 mph when school sign is flashing
Pine Road
Route 27 off exit 9 near the high school. Pine Road leading into Brentwood before town line. Speed is 30 and at night when no one is there they’ll stop you at 38mph. They stake out in the private areas belonging to the industrial companies in the area.
Newfields Road near Gas Company Pipes
Police cars sit in the area of the gas company and wait for speeders coming into Exeter after going under railroad trestle.
Court Street near end of 40 MPH zone from Kensington
people come barreling in from Kensington at 40-plus MPH and suddenly hit a 25 MPH zone just as they pass Crawford Ave. SLOW DOWN!