Exeter, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Court Street near Gary Lane
Heading east on Rt.108, into Exeter from Kensington, the speed drops from 40 to 25 with little notice. They’ll pull you over as you try to slow down.
State Route 27 near Exit Number 9
Turning right, heading into town, off ramp speed limit drops to 30. They are there primarily for the AM and PM rush hour. Turning left off the ramp is posted at 45. This used to be Rt 101 when it was a 2-lane highway posted at 55. Nothing has changed but the speed limit drop. They are out there at different times of the day.
All roads lead to Exeter
Route 27 (Epping Rd), Route 107, Route 111 (Hampton Rd and Kingston Rd). All the main roads entering Exeter have speed limits that drop suddenly from 40 to 25(!) or 30. They are patrolled fairly regularly from several different hiding spots. On the bright side, if you aren’t too far above the limit you will usually just get a warning.
High Street
Anywhere between the Hospital and where Rt111 goes toward North Hampton. Its mostly in the stretch between the Hospital and Access Sports Medicine. Also be careful about running the stop where Rt 88 intersects High Street. They sometimes park in Access and watch for that.