Gorham, New Hampshire Speed Traps

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Rte 2 east of Gorham

Gorham, New HampshireApr 01, 20100 Comments

Driving west of Shelburne toward Gorham on Rte. 2, police will often set up beyond the sharp curve near the Town & Country Inn where the speed limit decreases before the railroad crossing at the edge of town.

Rte 16 south of Gorham

Gorham, New HampshireApr 01, 20100 Comments

Driving north of Pinkham Notch toward Gorham on Rte. 16, police will often set up beyond the sharp curve before Libby Pool where the speed limit decreases at the edge of town.

US Highway 2 near landmark

Gorham, New HampshireDec 03, 20070 Comments

Heading east on US 2, at the foot of Gorham Hill, the speed limit is 30 MPH right through to the light in the center of town. There are signs. It continues 30 whether you turn right towards Berlin or left on Rt. 2. The Gorham police are active in this area any time of the day or night.

State Highway 16 near train over-pass

Gorham, New HampshireOct 23, 20050 Comments

when you leave gorham heading north on route 16, the speed limit is 30mph, but there isn’t a reason for it. The road dips down so your speed picks up to 35mph or so, the speed limit doesn’t change untill 1/2 mile down the road. There is an old train tressle on a corner. and it has a place for cars to park. Guess who is parked there?

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