Hudson, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Memorial Middle School
The cops will sit just down the road from the middle school ready to catch anyone who isnt going 30 mph. Its a flat stretch of road between cumberland farms and derry rd/102 ish. the only reason the trap works is due to the 30 mph speedlimit and school zone. they will also hide in the cemetary just past the school as well at night and wave you down with flashlights.
State Route 3-a near hafners gas station or subaru of nashua
They usually sit right past hafners gas station before u hit the subaru dealership on the right or just past the dealership on the right at PMA. Basically the whole part of this road is always having speed traps everyware
Sagamore bridge Road near Exit Number 2
Four lane highway goes from 55 mph to 30 mph in increments. Just over the bridge hill speed goes to 30 and this is not the only speed trap on this road, but the worst.I have done the speed limit on this bridge, and you will be "beeped" at and flipped off by other motorist’s for going to slow. Ridiculous speed trap. Actually dangerous.
presti ave
patrol car parked in driveway at top of hill just after pond area usually same tim every day at 3 pm-6pm
Pine Road
Around lunch time, there is usually a cop waiting in the driveway of the demolished house near the intersection with Williams Drive. He sits behind a tree and you can barely see him. Also, police like to wait at the 3-way intersection where Pine Road turns right, waiting to see if people stop at the stop signs.